

Primary Element: Earth and Air

Qualities: Cold, Dry, Rough, Moving, Irregular, Sharp, Subtle and Changeable

The science of Ayurveda defines a human body as a harmonious combination of three doshas or life forces – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Vata amongst the three is the most vital dosha that governs the human body functions without whose involvement, pitta and kapha lose their meaning in regulating the body functions.

With a combination of measures using lifestyle and dietary changes, we at a leading ayurvedic centre in Nagpur provide the most convincing and effective vata dosha treatment in Nagpur. The spcilists, ayurvedic doctors, and the therapists in the centre are well-qualified and skilled in their respective fields to ensure complete satisfaction to all those who rely on us for complete well-being.

With the primary elements of wind or ether, the force of vata contains works towards generating energy and movement in mind and body. This in turn makes the force of vata ayurveda type responsible for nerve impulses, breathing, speech, digestion, and circulation.


What are the types or Sub Doshas of Vata

The five important sub doshas of vata include:

1. Prana Vata: Governs the head, lungs, heart, and brain while processing sensory experiences. When it a perfect state of balance, it leads to harmonious body functioning and in case of an imbalance, the senses are exploited, leading to various health disorders.

2. Samana Vata: Governs the digestive organs of the body and the area between the chest and the naval. It controls the segregation of the nutrients to be absorbed and nutrients to be eliminated. However, when in an imbalance state, it leads to malfunctioning and improper digestive functioning.

3. Vyana Vata: Governs the center of the human body, the heart. Heart is the major organ that links to all experiences, expressions, movements, and circulation within the body. When in a state of imbalance, the vyana vayu leads to various critical illness and circulatory disorders.

4. Udana Vata: Governs the chest region and is responsible for respiratory functioning of the body system. When in a state of imbalance, udana vayu leads to difficulty in breathing, chest pain, and various other respiratory disorders.

5. Apana Vata: Governs the colon, pelvic region, and reproductive organs. It regulates the functions of urination, defecation, menstruation, sexual activity, conception, and childbirth. When in a state of imbalance, it leads to various urinary and gynecological disorders.

What Does Vata Governs?

When the human body has a pure balance of vata force, it governs:

  • Working of the senses
  • Creative thinking
  • Enthusiasm and determination
  • Voice and speech quality
  • Movement of thoughts
  • Circulation of food within the body
  • Functioning of the digestive and nervous system
  • Controlling heart beta and blood rhythm
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Sexual functioning

What Does Vata Do When Out of Balance?

When the vata dosha within the body becomes imbalanced, it leads to:

  • Worried and anxious mind
  • Overactive flow of thoughts
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Dry cough and sore throat
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Menstrual problems
  • Weak nervous system
  • Lack of concentration
  • Improper functioning of the circulatory system

How to Balance Vata Dosha

If Vata goes out of balance, it is important to restore its lost balance to ensure perfect functioning of the body systems. Here are some of the beneficial ways to balance vata dosha:

  • Stay in warm and humid environments
  • Avoid any kind of fasting
  • Go for oil bath using any recommended relaxation oil
  • Good amount of sleep and rest
  • Consume more of warm and spicy food
  • Daily self-Abhyangana massage using almond or sesame oil
  • Light exercises like cycling and walking
  • Warm colors such as pastels and yellows for clothing
  • Soothing activities like music, dance, and light aerobics