KAPHA DOSHA - Earth and Water ?

Primary Element: Earth and water

Qualities: Soft, Heavy, Inner Peace, Stable, Empathy, Moist, Cool, Dependable, and Slow

Ayurvedic science defines three body constitutions, out of which kapha dosha is one principle vayu. It works towards delivering a teddy bear like personality with the characteristics of being a soft, sweet, cute, and loving individual. With a combination of several parameters of ruling our body structure and personality, kapha stays responsible for lubrication and stability while supporting and governing an individual’s emotional and physical endurance.

With the primary element of water and earth, kapha ayurveda type defines ‘binding or holding of things together’. It ensures a steady stability of mind and body while instilling various emotions within like patience and compassion. Moreover, with all the other components ruling the functioning and balancing of kapha dosha within the body, we at leading Ayurvedic centre in Nagpur provide the most effective and fruitful kapha dosha treatment in Nagpur. All the treatments are provided under expert guidance and skilled therapists who have in-depth knowledge and expertise of the Ayurvedic field of medical care.digestion, and circulation.


Physical Characteristics of the Kapha Body Type

The typical characteristics of Kapha body type are:

  • Impressive figure
  • Big beautiful eyes,
  • Well-shaped mouth,
  • Smooth and glowing skin
  • White shining teeth
  • Curly thick hair
  • Chocolate brown or deep blue eye color

What are the types or Sub Doshas of Kapha?

The five important sub doshas of Kapha include:

1. Tarpaka Kapha: ‘Tarpaka’ signifies ‘One that Nourishes’. The same meaning applies to the process of balancing the kapha dosha in the human body. This sub-dosha works mainly on the human brains from where it nourishes the entire nervous system while smoothing the functioning of all sensory organs, motor nerves, and brain tissues.

2. Bodhaka Kapha: The term ‘Bodhaka’ signifies ‘Knowledge’. The same applies to govern the functioning of the mouth and tongue while identifying the taste factor and controlling the voice quality to attain a deeper level of intelligence.

3. Avalambak Kapha: The term ‘Avalambak’ means ‘To hold’. The sub-dosha works to support and control the functioning of the organs in the upper thorax that includes the chest region, lungs, trachea, bronchi, and pericardium.

4. Kledaka Kapha: The term ‘Kledaka’ means ‘Moistening’. The sub-dosha works to support digestion and associated body activities because it governs the stomach region and promotes its functioning.

5. Shleshaka Kapha: This is a Sanskrit term that means ‘Binding’. The sub-dosha is responsible for lubricating all the small and large joints of human body. This is done by controlling the presence and functioning of the fluid present in between all joints.

What Does Kapha Governs?

When the human body has a pure balance of vata force, it governs:

  • Level of contentment
  • Helps you forgive easily
  • Instills compassion
  • Regulates body fat
  • Stability of body and mind
  • Increased nourishment of body tissues
  • Enhances memory
  • Increases the ability to perceive any sort of taste

What Does Kapha Do When Out of Balance?

When the kapha dosha within the body becomes imbalanced, it leads to:

  • Leads to overeating
  • Results in excessive sleep for a long time
  • Causes obesity
  • May lead to diabetes mellitus
  • Hemorrhages
  • Piles
  • Ulcers
  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Wet cough
  • Foggy mind
  • Fluid retention

How to Balance Kapha Dosha

If Kapha goes out of balance, it is important to restore its lost balance to ensure perfect functioning of the body systems. Here are some of the beneficial ways to balance kapha vayu:

  • Indulge into regular exercises
  • Consuming a good amount of kapha dosha diet
  • Eat more than the stomach can occupy
  • Avoid any sort of digestive nap throughout the day
  • Running is also a fruitful way to fight the kapha imbalance
  • Osho mediations also proves to be beneficial
  • Deep body massages with thoughtful herbal formulation act as stimulant
  • Ayurvedic detoxification or Panchakarma works wonder in restoring the lost balance of kapha