Oil Therapy



Greeva Vasti

This is practical modihication of snigdhasweda, where warmed sneha is allowed to stand over cervical region for a prescribed period of time.It can be used in cervical spondylosis and related musculoskeletal manifestation, degenerative joint diseases and contraindicated in inflammatory conditions.

The phrase Greeva Vasti is from Sanskrit. The word Greeva refers to neck and Vasti stands for container or retaining something inside.

It is an Ayurvedic neck care and basically a hot oil therapy. Greeva Vasti is bathing the neck region with medicated oll or treshly prepared herbal decoction. The procedure does oleation and sudation around the neck region simultaneously. Due to present day lifestyle which involves continued and glued sitting position and lack of body movements the problems of the spine, muscies and skeletal tissues of neck and shoulder arise. Greeva Vasti addresses these issues effectively.


  • The person undergoing Greeva Vasti is made to lie face down on the massage table (Droni)
  • The dough is prepared out of black gram flour or whole wheat flour. It is then made into a small
  • ring of four to five inches in diameter which is placed over the neck to cover all the vertebrae of the neck and 2-3 vertebrae of the thoracic region.
  • After it is glued with some water to make it leakproot, lukewarm medicated oil or the decoction of herbs is slowly poured into it. When this cools down it is squeezed out and replaced with more warm one.
  • At the end of the procedure the dough is removed; a gentie massage is given over the area. The person is made to take rest for a while.


  • Relieves the burden of stress and congestion in nerves, Dones and muscies of neck and shoulders and thus relaxing and rejuvenating them
  • Improves the flexibility and brings smooth movement.
  • mproves circulation around the neck and shoulder region.

Duration of treatment: 30 minute


Abhyangam is an ancient practice which updates the Vedic period. Early humans practiced life sustaining ways of manipulating the body to produce strength, mobility, flexibility, and memory The ancient knew every movement in the cosmot to be filled with universal Abhyangam. This Abhyanga prevents old age, nourishes skin and other deeper tissues, balances the Dashas, enhances well being and longevity The leaves of trees are continuously massaged by wind. The rocks and pebbles are rubbed by the streams, Like this Abhyanga procedure will tone up the human body. Abhyangam is defined as the process of application of ol over the body with certain amount of pressure in specific direction with medicated herbal aii to take care of physical mental, emotional well being of the person while balancing the doshas performed over a specially designed wooden tubie (Drani) by trained masseurs. The word Abhyanga is derived from two words Abhi’ means towards, inta, over upon, etr. Anjana” means to smet, to anaint rubbing with unctuous substance.

It is an ancient oleation therapy, traditionally given by two therapists, who work in tandem, synchronizing their strokes and massage according to the circulatory and marma points for 45 minutes. Detoxifying medicated sesame or medicated keram oils are chosen according to one’s illness. Usually this is done in seven standard position. It is one of the most rejuvenating treatments of Ayurveda, especially in the Kerala tradition.

This is a form of treatment for various age related and other common disorders. Some of the advantages are pain relief, improved circulation, stress relief, better sleep, flexibility, athletic performance and emotional benefits. Massage therapy can soothe pain, relax stiff muscles, and reduce the swelling that accompanies arthritis. With Ayurvedic massage, deep-seated toxins in the joints and tissues are loosened and released into the system for elimination through natural toxin-release processes. An Ayurvedic physician can access this and decide the appropriate oils and exact way of massage. The massage begins after offering prayers. A lukewarm oil is applied followed by a body massage in 7 different postures.

They are:

  • Sitting
  • Supine
  • Right lateral
  • Lying face down
  • Sitting
  • Supine
  • Right lateral
  • Lying face down

After the procedure the person is directed to take a herbal steam bath

Benefits of Abhyangam (Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Massage)

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Rejuvenating Whole body
  • Beautifies skin
  • delays aging
  • induces sound sleep,promotes vitality and reduces stress

Summer Cooling & Rejuvating Massage

Abhyangam is an ancient practice which updates the Vedic period. Early humans practiced life sustaining ways of manipulating the body to produce strength, mobility, flexibility, and memory The ancient knew every movement in the cosmot to be filled with universal Abhyangam. This Abhyanga prevents old age, nourishes skin and other deeper tissues, balances the Dashas, enhances well being and longevity The leaves of trees are continuously massaged by wind. The rocks and pebbles are rubbed by the streams, Like this Abhyanga procedure will tone up the human body. Abhyangam is defined as the process of application of ol over the body with certain amount of pressure in specific direction with medicated herbal aii to take care of physical mental, emotional well being of the person while balancing the doshas performed over a specially designed wooden tubie (Drani) by trained masseurs. The word Abhyanga is derived from two words Abhi’ means towards, inta, over upon, etr. Anjana” means to smet, to anaint rubbing with unctuous substance.

It is an ancient oleation therapy, traditionally given by two therapists, who work in tandem, synchronizing their strokes and massage according to the circulatory and marma points for 45 minutes. Detoxifying medicated sesame or medicated keram oils are chosen according to one’s illness. Usually this is done in seven standard position. It is one of the most rejuvenating treatments of Ayurveda, especially in the Kerala tradition.

This is a form of treatment for various age related and other common disorders. Some of the advantages are pain relief, improved circulation, stress relief, better sleep, flexibility, athletic performance and emotional benefits. Massage therapy can soothe pain, relax stiff muscles, and reduce the swelling that accompanies arthritis. With Ayurvedic massage, deep-seated toxins in the joints and tissues are loosened and released into the system for elimination through natural toxin-release processes. An Ayurvedic physician can access this and decide the appropriate oils and exact way of massage. The massage begins after offering prayers. A lukewarm oil is applied followed by a body massage in 7 different postures.

They are:

  • Sitting
  • Supine
  • Right lateral
  • Lying face down
  • Sitting
  • Supine
  • Right lateral
  • Lying face down

After the procedure the person is directed to take a herbal steam bath

Benefits of Abhyangam (Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Massage)

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Rejuvenating Whole body
  • Beautifies skin
  • delays aging
  • induces sound sleep,promotes vitality and reduces stress


The word Elakizhi is a malyalam word is a combination of two words that is “ELA” meaning leaves( “PODI” means Choorna) and”KIZHI”‘means bundles. Elakizhi refers to the sudation performed by specially prepared bundle of medicinal leaves practiced by Vaidyas (physicians) in Kerala. It is highly effective in ailments affecting bones, joints and nervous system


The leaves which are having Vata pacifying property are collected freshly. These are kept in a vessel containing the oil used to fry the ingredients and the vessel is then heated. An Abhyanga (a gentle oil massage) is given for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then the massage is given with warm boluses. The boluses are applied over the body in seven different postures. Care should be taken that throughout the procedure the temperature is maintained at around 40 to 45 degree centigrade by reheating the bolus over hot vessel. Then one has to take shower with hot water after 2 hrs.

Benefits of Elakizhi( pottali Massage)

  • Relieves body pain
  • Arthritis problems
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Problems in lower back area
  • Stiff joints
  • Generalized body pain
  • Spondilitis
  • Paralysis
  • Slipped Disc
  • Gout
  • Sciatica
  • Reducing obesity
  • Dryness of the skin
  • Curative &Rejuvnative effect
  • Improves muscles strength
  • Numbness of legs
  • improves the Blood circulation
  • Improves the skin complexion & rejuvenates the body

It can be done in a perfectly healthy person to enhance his / her immunity, vitality and longevity of life.

Duration of treatment: 45 – 60 minutes

Njavarakizhi Therapy

Njavarakizhi is also known as shashtikashali pinda swedam.It is a type of sudation process in which the whole body or any specific part is made to perspire, by the application of certain medicinal drugs with Njavara rice puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a muslin bag Njavara in Malayalam stands for the rice (Shashtika Shali in Sanskrit) that grows in 60 days; Kizhi (Pinda in Sanskrit) stands for bolus. Njavara is indigenous variety of rice grown in Kerala, having medicinal properties. It is a unique treatment procedure practiced by Kerala Ayurveda physicians (Vaidyas). This is applied by two to four masseurs for about 45 to 60 minutes per day for a period of 14 days. This treatment is for all type of pain in the joints, emaciation of limbs, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and certain kinds of muscular diseases (atrophy). It is performed in Ekanga or Sarvanga with the bolus of boiled njavara with different kashaya & ksheera. Njavara is snigdha, guru, sthira ,sheeta and tridoshaghna, though a sweda karma, it has brimhanaguna.


  • 2 warm Kizhi are gently applied in a synchronized manner by the two therapist on two side of Droni
  • It is followed by a gentle massage with the other hand.
  • They should ensure that the heat of the boluses is bearable to the patient by touching them over the dorsum of their hand.
  • The temperature of the boluses should be maintained throughout the procedure by contnious relay of the four boluses after reheating by dipping in milk kashayam mixture.
  • The process is continued till the patient attains samyakswinnalakshana or until the content of the boluses exhausted.
  • At the end of the procedure, the rice paste sticking over the body is removed using coconut leaves. A gentle massage is given with warm medicated oil once again. This procedure is done in the seven positions as in kayasekam or as advised by the physician

Benefits of Njavarakizhi

  • 2 Very effective in curing diseases of nervous
  • Chronic Rheumatism, Osteoarthritis
  • Paralysis,
  • Muscular weakness
  • Emaciation of limbs and disease borne of vitiated blood
  • Slow down aging process
  • Makes the body supple and removes stiffness
  • Relaxes the body and gives sound sleep
  • Improves blood circulation and detoxifies the body.
  • It also makes the body strong and sturdy with well developed musculature
  • To get the skin gloW, even for bride & grooms
  • This is applied by two to four masseurs for about 45 to 60 minutes per day for a period of 14 days.


Is a procedure in which the medicated oil is stay on the head for the prescribed time. It is one among the moordhathailam. It is benehcial to do Sirovasthi after proper purificatory procedure. But in cases where sodhana is not necessary it can be done directly. It is indicated in anxiety, insomnia, neurological and psychosomatic diseases Certain lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap fitted on the head and held for 15 to 60 minutes per day, according to the patient’s conditions for a period of 7 days. This treatment is highly effective for facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches and other diseases of the head.


  • Facial paralysis
  • Head-ache
  • ENT diseases
  • Degenerative disorders of brain
  • Post traumatic for brain injuries
  • Certain skin conditions of the scalp
  • Burning sensation on the head
  • Diseases of the head
  • Cracking of the skin of the scalp & hair fall
  • Diseases of the eye due to weakness of nerves
  • Itching on the head
  • Insanity and other mental disorders
  • Dryness of the scalp

Benefits of Shirodhara

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Rejuvenating Whole body
  • Beautifies skin
  • delays aging
  • induces sound sleep,promotes vitality and reduces stress


Udwarthanam literally means to promote or elevate something. This is deep tissue massage which is specially designed to aid fat loss. Obesity has become a bane of modern society due to the sedentary lifestyle and poor diet habits. The idea is to remove the fat from within the body and this massage does that by pacifying the kaphadosha because udwarthanam is beneficial for kapha type of patients. Just as its literal meaning the massage is done by upward strokes. Let us look at the procedure of this deep tissue dry massage.

This massage is also useful in problems like rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, skin disease, diabetes mellitus, motor neuron disorder and many other ailments. It should always be performed by skilled therapists. This is because the wrong strokes or postures can cause damage to the health of the patient. Improper pressure can cause skin abrasion and this is why therapists need to take a lot of training before they are qualified to do udwarthanam massage. Let us look at the benefits of the massage for the patient.


  • The herbal powder is heated
  • The massage strokes are in the direction opposite to the hair follicles
  • Two therapists do this massage together
  • The patient is asked to sit or lie down in seven different postures
  • After the massage is completed the patient is advised to rest for half an hour
  • In the end the patient is supposed to take a shower with warm water

However, this massage method is tough and should only be done by expert trained therapists. The therapist should have proper knowledge of the marma points and also the right kind and amount of pressure to be applied while massaging.

Benefits of Kalari Massage

  • The massage is good for people with aggravated kaphadosha as it pacifies this dosha
  • It reduces the excess fat and cellulite in the subcutaneous tissue thus causing weight loss
  • Exfoliates the skin and removes the dead skin cells. It also softens the skin and lends it a glowing appearance
  • Purifies, and detoxifies the skin along with toning it and the muscles
  • If you have bad body odor then this massage will eliminate it
  • Makes the joints more mobile
  • Tones and strengthens the muscles lying under the skin
  • Rejuvenates the entire body and causes a feeling of refreshment
  • If the blood supply to some parts of the body is inadequate this massage rectifies it
  • Opens up the channels of the body and increases the metabolic rate, and also the rate of circulation of blood which also cause weight loss
  • It is especially beneficial for ladies after childbirth because it helps in the reduction of weight
  • Imparts a sense of lightness to the body and makes the body and mind alert
  • Reduces the bad cholesterol in the blood

Duration of the Procedure: 45 to 60 Minutes


Is a kriyakarma practiced in netra roga where medicated ghee is retained in eyes for stipulated time, Akshitarpana is an eye care treatment and rejuvenation program in Ayurveda. This is ideally prescribed after a course of a body detox program preferably, Virechana (therapeutic purgation) and a course of Nasyam (nasal Instillation of medicated drops). Tharpana stands for nourishment

When eyes are fatigued, inactive, dry, rough, injured in patient of vata and pitta vitiation,

Where there is squint, loss of lashes,

  • Clouded vision
  • Difficulty in opening eyes
  • Congestion of conjunctival blood vessels.
  • Blackouts
  • Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Corneal capacity
  • After relieving redness
  • Lacrimation
  • Pain, Irritation and excretions
  • Ptosis
  • Early stages of retinopathy
  • Night blindness
  • Corneal ulcers

The person is made to lie down over back on the Droni (massage table)

Duration Of the treatment: 30minutes

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